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2010-12-24 21:49| 发布者: 伽奇·胡| 查看: 216| 评论: 0

  There are a few general rules that apply to scientific writing, especially the journal article, the loose model for this course’s reports. It is very important that you keep these in mind when working on the purpose or discussion.

  One rule is to always write concisely. Extreme verbosity is not desirable, this means avoiding flowery language and including only material relevant to a given section, weather it is the purpose or the discussion. Second, clarity is important if scientific writing. For example, when using a pronoun, make sure that it is perfectly clear which noun the pronoun refers to. Third, write the report like a professional chemist. Avoid phrases like, “the purpose of this experiment was to introduce kinetics to the class.” An appropriate purpose would be, “Today we will investigate the alkylation of sodium saccharin with iodoethane using the melting point to determine the major product.”

  You must maintain your laboratory notebooks as your ONLY notebook. All writing in your notebooks must be in pen and should be signed and dated.

  Purpose Tips

  The purpose should be to resemble the introduction to a scientific journal article, but with a much narrower scope and exclusion of references to relevant literature. Most importantly, you need to state the problem clearly (i.e. what is the ‘purpose’ for performing the experiment; what knowledge do you hope to gain?) You should also briefly talk about the approach you’ll be using (e.g. ‘the effect of temperature on battery operation will be studied using a zinc and cadmium electrochemical cell) and the values of interest you hope to ascertain (e.g. “the change in Gibbs free energy at standard state conditions will be determined”.) As the example demonstrates, mention the chemicals being studied or acting as the primary reagents.


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