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2010-12-24 21:49| 发布者: 伽奇·胡| 查看: 340| 评论: 0



  关键词:英文歌曲 英语学习 音乐智能 英语教学 兴趣

  English Songs And English Language Study

  Abstract:The intelligence of the music means the feeling and intuitional ability to the rhythm, tone and melody, and the ability of showing the thoughts and feelings with the music. The physiological and psychological functions of the music are extensively used in developing various kinds of intelligence and potentiality of individuals. Teenager students have sharp sense of hearing, are good at imitating, and have potentiality of music. So, utilizing the teaching material or music resources, integrating the music and teaching content is the main way to train the musical intelligence of students. There are teaching ways of listening to the theme music or background music, singing the English songs which are in pace with teaching materials or the lyrical songs contacting closely with the life.

  Study have shown that listening to the songs can promote the input, internalizing and acquisition of languages; singing songs help improve the comprehension of music, strengthen sense of rhythm, study pronunciation, grammar, sentence structure, increase the vocabulary, strengthen the edifying of language culture, excite interest and motive of studying English. Arranging the right time for student to listen or sing English songs can dispel the fatigue, enliven the learning atmosphere of class, strengthen the group's cohesiveness and improve the level of cognition and emotion.


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