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2010-12-24 21:49| 发布者: 伽奇·胡| 查看: 220| 评论: 0

  Discussion Tips

  In journal articles, very often there is a section called “Results and Discussion”. Keep in mind that your report sheets, where you present your results, are closely related to the discussion. The discussion is not the place to rehash the theory or summarize the procedure. It constitutes the culmination of the scientific method: your hypothesis is proven viable or not. It is about conclusions, whether you make a useful discovery or divide a procedure is invalid. Its purpose is to expand on your observations and discuss what may have caused bad results.

  Therefore, you need to evaluate your results. Are they ‘good,’, ‘bad’, precise, accurate, too high , or too low? What is the significance of your results, if any? What are the limitations of your results? What are possible errors?

  In discussing errors, it is often helpful to refer to the percent error or deviation from an accepted value. However, do NOT merely list possible errors (for example, “Too much solvent may have been added to the volumetric flask”). You should DISCUSS the errors that may have shifted an otherwise reasonable answer in the direction of an erroneous one. Also, if you use an equation to arrive at your final result, comment on how different variables could have affected the final result. For example, “…a larger mass will result in a higher value for the molecular weight”.

  There are more questions to consider when you are evaluating the experiment. What trends did the data show? If there were no trends, but you thought there should have been, discuss that also. Reflect back on the purpose of the lab – was the goal of the experiment achieved? Why or why not? How could the technique used be applied to other situations? Why was your method more or less suitable than other available (e.g. determining concentration by titration rather than by using an absorption spectrometer). How might you change the procedure to obtain better results?


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