

2010-5-31 14:32| 发布者: 伽奇·胡| 查看: 33| 评论: 0

06-1 Unit 2

8. Dark glasses serve to _____ eyes from the glare of the sun.

A dismay B shelter

C shield D defend

glare gl- 表示 ”流动的光”

-are 表示 ”强烈” 耀眼的强光

blare 尖叫

declare 宣布

glitter (珠宝的)闪光

glimmer 微光 slimmer

glisten (露珠的)闪光

glamour 魅力

glee 高兴

dismay 沮丧

gloom 郁闷

depress 沮丧

deject 沮丧

maid 少女,女仆

shelter 避难所,庇护所,遮蔽

shell 小贝壳,脱落

shield 盾牌

shrink 缩水

shred 细条

shrewd 精明的

shrew 鼠类,悍妇

shrill 沙哑的,刺耳的


06-2 Unit 2

9.Anna was ____ to give up her poverty by her treacherous uncle

A impelled B expelled

C compelled D repelled

poverty 贫穷

property 财产

praise 赞扬

loop 环形

in the loop / out of the loop

词根 pell 表示推

compel 强迫,迫使

repel 排斥,拒绝

expel 开除

impel 自我鼓励,自我催促

propel 推进

06-3 Unit 2

10. In order to improve our condition, this new scheme must be _____

A adopted B adapted

C adept D addicted

adopt 采纳

adapt 使合适

adept 熟练的

addict 上瘾

11. Insulted by my opponent, I ______ at him with closed fists .

A glared B peeped

C glanced D stared

glimpse 一瞥(快速地无意识的一瞥)

glance 一瞥(快速地有意识的一瞥)

love at the first glimpse / sight 一见钟情

glare 愤怒地看

glare at sb.

gape 吃惊地看

gaze 凝视

gazelle 瞪羚

peep 投窥

peeping Tom 偷窥狂

peer 努力地看

stare 盯着看

06-4 Unit 2

12. The girl took cheese and _____ to eat A commenced B commended

C commanded D commented

commence 开始

commend 赞扬


词根 ment 表示”思想”

mental 精神的,智力的

commentary n. 评论

06-5 Unit 2

13. Being extremely _____ to the cold, I don‘t like skiing.

A sensitive B senseless

C sensible D insensitive

tense 浓密

dense 浓密的

sense 感官,感觉

immense 宏伟的,巨大的

tense -

tension 情况紧张

intense 强烈的

intensify v.加强

intensity n.强度

intensive adj.集中的

extensive 广泛的

dense -

density 密度

condense 压缩,浓密

condense 压缩,浓缩

sense -

sensitive 敏感的

sensitive paper 感光纸

senseless 无感觉的

sensible 理性的

insensitive 不敏感的

06-6 Unit 2

14,Since she knows a terrible ___ as they waited to hear who had been killed in the plane crash.

A diffusion B impression

C stimulation D tension

tension 紧张的情况

diffusion 弥漫,扩散;罗嗦

词根 fuse 表示”倾,倒”

infuse 注入

confuse 迷惑,困惑

profuse 浪费的

transfuse 输血的

impression 印象

词根press 表示”压”

express 表达

pressure 压力

outlet 释放出去

compress 压缩

oppress 压抑

suppress 镇压

stimulation 刺激06-7 Unit 2

15.Barbara _____ in doing it again though she had failed more than a dozen times

A consisted B resisted

C assisted D persisted

词根sist 表示”站着”

consist of 组成

insist 坚持(on)

persist 坚持(in)

resist 拒绝

assist 帮助

16.This is a purely _______ problem, not a political one.

A additional B assiduous

C adamant D academic

additional 附加的

assiduous 勤奋的

adamant 固执的,坚强的

stubborn 固执的

headstrong 固执的

academy 学术

academic 学术类的

06-8 Unit 2

17. After criminals were caught , they were accused and put on _______

A death B verdiction

C trial D sentence

trial 审判


Friday 星期五 idleness 无事可做

lazy 懒懒的 inform 通知

party 晚会 assemble 聚集

lady blast 阵阵 happy

mercy 仁慈 faerie 仙子

lonely appearance 外表

impression 印象 opportunity 机会

Hi, baby. busy

indifferently 冷漠的 celebrity 名人

effective 有效的 pose 姿势

honey honeymoon

fantasy 幻想

verdiction (陪审团的)裁决

ver(真实) + dic (说) + tion

verify vt. 证实

06-9 Unit 2

18.I struggled out of the ditch and my jeans were ______

A spoiled B scattered

C spilled D spotted

ditch 水沟

witch 巫婆,女巫

pitch 投,掷

hitch 钩住


spot 点,斑点

scatter 分散

specialist 专家

spurt 喷发

sprout 发芽

swank 打扮

spank 打人

sphere 球体

spill 洒,泼

spoil 损坏

sparrow 麻雀

06-10 Unit 2

19.On turning the corner, we saw the road _______ steeply

A departing B depressing

C decreasing D descending

depart 离开

desire 渴望

detest 厌恶

depress 沮丧

descend 下降

20. Before he started to work, I asked the builder to give me an __ of the cost of repairing the roof.

A assessment B announcement

C estimate D evaluation

evaluate 评价

assessment 评估

asset 财产

estimate 估计


circulate 循环

calculate 计算

articulate 清楚地讲

speculate 推测考试就到



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