

2010-5-31 14:32| 发布者: 伽奇·胡| 查看: 83| 评论: 0


The Taxi in Big Cities 出租车给市民生活带来了方便 出租车也带来了一些问题

3、 我的看法

Nowadays, people in growing numbers show their concern about the Taxi in big cities. You may have the experience to be packed like a cannel sardine in a crowded bus, exhausted, bored and endless. Today, however, you may sit comfortably in a spacious taxi which take you wherever you want to go. In fact, it has advantages, but meanwhile, it also brings about some disadvantages.

On the one hand, taxi dose benefit people a lot. First, taxi is the quickest means of transport. When in emergency, taking a taxi is preferable to any other means. Second, it is more comfortable, especially for children and senior citizens, where they can take a seat instead of standing in a crowded bus. Finally, it is more convenient. You can get on taxi anywhere simply by a gesture. It can take you to the very place without efforts.

On the other hand, taxi also bring some trouble, First, recent statistics show that one of five automobiles in a big city is a taxi. Thay are so many that the street is becoming more and more crowded. Secondly, most citizens can not afford to take it, Thirdly, it is a little bit expensive for the mass to take taxi. What is more, some taxi drivers often refuse to pick up those who want to go to a distant place.

In my opinion, taxi should be encouraged and controlled to make it a real facility of the public by strengthening its administration.


Computer in Our Life 计算机给人类生活带来了很多变化 计算机给我们的工作和带来了方便

3、 计算机也带来了一些问题

Nowadays, people in growing numbers shows their concern about the computer. It is generally agreed that computer has advantages, but meanwile, it also bring some problems.

On the one hand, Computer has brought a lot of convenience to our work and study. First, by computer we can find all information we want to know. Second, by computer ,we can solve many complex calculation easily. Finally, by computer, we can always find solution to difficult problems, serious diseases for example. In short, there is nowhere having not computer, from factory to farm, from office to school, from airport to bank.第一天:

The Taxi in Big Cities 出租车给市民生活带来了方便 出租车也带来了一些问题

3、 我的看法

Nowadays, people in growing numbers show their concern about the Taxi in big cities. You may have the experience to be packed like a cannel sardine in a crowded bus, exhausted, bored and endless. Today, however, you may sit comfortably in a spacious taxi which take you wherever you want to go. In fact, it has advantages, but meanwhile, it also brings about some disadvantages.

On the one hand, taxi dose benefit people a lot. First, taxi is the quickest


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