

2010-5-31 14:32| 发布者: 伽奇·胡| 查看: 81| 评论: 0


a letter declining a job offer

1. 对公司提供职位表示感



Dear Sir or Madam,

I have received the letter from your corporation offering me the opportunity to work as an assistant manager. Thank you very much for your kind offer of this precious opportunity!

However, I have to say sorry for not being able to accept your offer. Shortly after applying for this position in your corporation, I received the admission letter from UCLA and was told this world-famous university would like to accept me as a graduate student in their Business School. After serious consideration, I have finally made the decision to go to the US first for my postgraduate study, which will absolutely promote my future career development .

So I would like to apologize that I have to decline your kind offer, but I believe that after my graduation, if I’m still lucky enough to get such great chance to work for you, I will definitely be a more capable team player in your corporation.

Finally, I love to offer my undying gratitude for all the efforts you have made in processing my application, and your kind understanding is highly appreciated.

Wish you a Happy New Year and wish your corporation even greater success in 2008!

With my best regards,



上海 吴泽杨



Dear Sir/Madam,

I am pleased with your offer of the position as a salesman. Thank you very much for your appreciation and kindness.

Unfortunately, I have to say sorry for this opportunity. Several reasons may account for my decision. Firstly, your company is far away from my home, which means that the cost for my traffic is likely to be greater than what I expected. Besides, as an experienced salesman, I wish very much to be a sales manager, to be frank. Last but not least, the company, ABB, shares the opinion above. In other words, it agrees to double my salary, and offers me the position I want.题目:

a letter declining a job offer

1. 对公司提供职位表示感



Dear Sir or Madam,

I have received the letter from your corporation offering me the opportunity to work as an assistant manager. Thank you very much for your kind offer of this precious opportunity!

However, I have to say sorry for not being able to accept your offer. Shortly after applying for this position in your corporation, I received the admission letter from UCLA and was told this world-famous university would like to accept me as a graduate student in their Business School. After serious consideration, I have finally made the decision to go


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