

2010-5-31 14:32| 发布者: 伽奇·胡| 查看: 104| 评论: 0


A) Helen was generous to a relative.

B) Helen found some money.

C) Helen was relatively generous.

D) Helen received money from a relative.


A) She‘s usually busy working.

B) She moved out in the middle of the term.

C) She doesn‘t have time to go to the newspaper office.

D) She‘s looking for a new roommate.


A) The theatre is popular.

B) The theatre is very near.

C) The theatre is made of stone.

D) The theatre is large.


A) The plants may need more light.

B) The plants should get less water.

C) The area in front of the window is too cold for plants.

D) Plants rarely to well in the dormitory.


A) To the market.

B) To her friend‘s house.

C) Home.

D) To her husband‘s office

81. M:You know, Helen has come into lots of money recently.

W:Yes, I heard that a relative was generous to her.

Q:What can we learn about Helen? (D)

82. M:I see that your roommate Donna‘s editor of the newspaper this year.

W:Editor, yes. But you‘d never know she was my roommate. I‘d hardly seen her since the beginning of the term. She might as well move her bed over to the newspaper office.

Q:What can be inferred about Donna? (A)

83. M:Excuse me, Madam. I‘m a stranger here. Can you tell me the way to the Grand Theatre?

W:Go along this street for about ten minutes, and then you will see it. It‘s a stone‘s throw away from here.

Q:What is learned from this conversation?(B)

84. M:You know, I‘ve been watering my plants regularly. But they are still not doing well in my new dorm room,

W:Maybe instead of keeping them in the corner, you should put them directly in front of the window.

Q:What does the woman imply? (A)

85. M:Can you stay for supper?

W:I‘d like to, but I have to go and buy some meat and vegetables before my husband comes home from his office.

Q:Where is the woman going now? (A)

81.D 重点在于理解习语,come into money:获得遗产。

82.A to move the bed over to the newspaper office:把床搬到报社去,暗示她总是工作。

83.B 重点在于理解习语,a stone‘s throw:很短的距离。

84.A 应注意否定词instead of:而不是。

85.A 考点是对空间位置的判断。答题点在第二句but后:I have to go and buy some meat and vegetable...


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