

2010-5-31 14:32| 发布者: 伽奇·胡| 查看: 41| 评论: 0

A language is a signaling system which operates with symbolic vocal sounds , and which is used by a group of people for the purpose of communication.

let’s look at this 61 in more detail because it is language, more than anything else, 62 distinguishes man from the rest of the 63 world.

other animals, it is true, communicate with one another by 64 of cries: for example, many birds utter 65 calls at the approach of danger; monkeys utter 66 cries, such as expressions of anger, fear and pleasure. 67 these various means of communication differ in important ways 68 human language. for instance, animals’ cries do not 69 thoughts and feelings clearly. this means, basically, that they lack structure. they lack the kind of structure that 70 us to divide a human utterance into 71.

we can change an utterance by 72 one word in it with 73: a good illustration of this is a soldier who can say, e.g., “tanks approaching from the north”, 74 who can change one word and say “aircraft approaching from the north” or “tanks approaching from the west”; but a bird has a single alarm cry, 75 means “danger!”

this is why the number of 76 that an animal can make is very limited: the great tit is a case 77 point; it has about twenty different calls, 78 in human language the number of possible utterances is 79. it also explains why animal cries are very 80 in meaning.

61.a.classification b. definition c.function d.perception 62.a.that b. it c.as d.what

63.a.native b. human c. physical d. animal

64.a.ways b. means c. methods d. approaches

65.a.mating b. exciting c. warning d. boring

66.a.identical b. similar c. different d. unfamiliar

67.a.but b.therefore c. afterwards d. furthermore

68.a.about b. with c. from d. in

69.a.infer b. explain c. interpret d. express

70.a. encourages b. enables c. enforces d. ensures

71.a.speeches b. sounds c. words d.voices

72.a. replacing b. spelling c. pronouncing d.saying

73.a.ours b. theirs c. another d. others

74.a.so b. and c. but d.or

75.a.this b.that c.which d.it

76.a.signs b.gestures c.signals d.marks

77.a.in b.at c. of d.for

78.a.whereas b. since c. anyhow d.somehow

79.a.boundless b. changeable c. limitless d. ceaseless

80.a.ordinary b. alike c. common d. general


61.b 62.c 63.c 64.b 65.c 66.c 67.a 68.c 69.d 70.b

71.c 72.a 73.c 74.b 75.c 76.c 77.a 78.a 79.c 80.b


61.b 此题考查普通词汇。上文给出的明显是语言的定义,因此,答案选definition。

62.c 此题考查的语法点是定语从句。从空缺前的逗号可以推断出,这是个非限定性定语从句,四个选项中,能作为非限定性定语从句的关系代词的只有as,表达“正如语言将人类和其他物质区分开来的一样。”

63.c 此题考查上下文理解。语言将人和物质世界的其他物质区分开来。

64.b 此处考查固定搭配,by means of表示“通过……方式或途径”。因此,选b。

65.c 此处考查词汇和上下文理解,在危险来临之际,鸟儿们发出的应该是警告声。故选warning。

66.c 从后文可得知,猴子能通过声音表达愤怒、恐惧和高兴。由此推断可知,猴子发出的叫声应该是不同的。故选c。

67.a 此处考查介词及上下文理解,旨在拿动物发出的声音和人类的语言进行比较。前文叙述动物也能发出不同的声音,这里说的是动物的交流方式与人类语言在几个重大的方面是不同,前后文为转折关系。故选but。

68.c 此处考查固定搭配:differ from。

69.d infer表示“推断”,explain指“解释”,interpret表示“解释、说明”。这里选express最符合文意。

70.b 见71题。

71.c 这两题放在一起来分析。原文意思应是:“人类拥有能把话语细分成单词的某种结构,而动物却没有。”70题的encourage,enforce,ensure都不符合题意。而71题,比话语更小的单位应该是words。故此题选c。

72.a 此题考查上下文理解。下文举例说明的部分提到将一句话的某个词换成另外的词,由此推断可知,此处选择replace。

73.c 表达用另一个词代替,用another。

74.b 此题考查上下文理解,会说一句话和能够把这句话里的某个单词用别的词替换,这之间表达的应是一种并列关系。故选b。


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