

2010-5-31 14:32| 发布者: 伽奇·胡| 查看: 52| 评论: 0

28. would not have finished so early

29. wondering about his real purpose

30. attempts to escape being fined

31. resort to force

32. can’t have been cleaned

33. was wrongly accused/charged

34. for fear that he should be recognized

35. being sent abroad

36. neither will they

37. not so much a writer

38. Believe it or not

39. may just as well stay at home

40. stain the new carpet

41. didn’t do anything

42. play indispensable roles

43. Even so

44. are being developed

45. remembering all my life

46. lose contact with

47. second only to

48. such fine weather

49. have never resorted to

50. not to speak of/not to mention/let alone going abroad

51. delaying making

52. should adapt himself to

53. to hearing your story again

54. is now being turned

55. Could you take a blank sheet of paper?


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