

2011-7-15 11:04| 发布者: 伽奇·胡| 查看: 648| 评论: 0

摘要: Part I Writing 标准版 My opinion on certificate craze The growing tendency among college students to get all kinds of certificates has now evolved into a craze. Just randomly ask a student what he or ...

Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in depth)

Section A

Questions 47 to 51 are based on the following passage.

47. what is in your boss' mind

48. challenging our boss's authority

49. possible consequences

50. be proposed and reviewed

51. confrontations

Section B

Passage One

Questions 52 to 56 are based on the following passage.

52. What can we learn from the first paragraph?

答案:D. The general public thinks differently from most economists on the impact of immigration.

53. In what way does the author think ordinary Americans benefit from immigration?

答案:B. They can get consumer goods at lower prices.

54. Why do native low-skilled workers suffer most from illegal immigration?

答案:C. They have a harder time getting a job with decent pay.

55. What is the chief concern of native high-skilled, better-educated employees about the inflow of immigrants?

答案:D. It may place a great strain on the state budget.

56. What is the irony about the debate over immigration?

答案:C. People are ** too big a fuss about something of small impact.

Passage Two

Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.

57. What characterises the business school student population of today?

答案:A. Greater diversity.

58. What is the author's concern about current business school education?

答案:B. It will produce business leaders of a uniform style.

59. What aspect of diversity does Valerie Gauthier think is most important?

答案:C. Attitude and approach to business.

60. What applicants does the author think MBA programmers should consider recruiting?

答案:C. Applicants from outside the traditional sectors.

61. What does Mannaz say about the current management style?

答案:D. It is shifting towards more collaborative models.



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